Q1 of 2022 was an eventful one for the crew at the shop. It saw us opening the beta testing for Platform Andromeda under Phase 1 plans to a decent response.
Thanks for the contribution!
Product link: https://app.acknoledger.com/
We successfully deployed and integrated our Genesis NFTs with our ecosystem partners as laid out in the roadmap. Our Genesis NFT spaceship collection, coming in 3 generations of superiority, was launched on the Binance NFT marketplace among other prominent launchpads.
Please find below the product features:
- Indexing — In Acknoledger indexing for search is set to default however it can be customized to meet specific requirements. The Mapping with Ngram, means each letter can be indexed. For example, if the user search “This is the ball” then indexing will happen with each letter.
2. Search — Metadata based search engine that powers the portal search with indexed Keywords for NFTs. This helps in filtering results based on high precision. Filtering and sorting option available for the drill down the result set. With Search assistance users can search all NFTs and also the NFTs for a particular Metaverse as well. The System also caters to complex search queries.
3. Client onboarding — Acknoledger gives the facility to our partners to register through emails that are authenticated by an OTP, which will be sent to the respective email id. And after that clients have to fill in details with a password. After successful registration, clients can upload data and do trading of NFTs. After successful registration, the account KYC will be done manually from the backend.
After registration, the client cannot log in immediately as the account is not verified, the account will be activated only after the document shared for KYC is verified. After the verification, the account will be activated by Admin.
4. Authentication and Authorisation server –Acknoledger provides robust authentication and authorization mechanism for users. In Ackno we have two-factor authentication through login and OTP mechanism. Also, the APIs are secured and users cannot access non-public APIS without authorization. In reference to authorization, Ackno has provided group-level user access controls which can be mapped as per need. Ackno has provisioned a separate authentication server.
5. Client APIs — all Client relevant APIs are in place with their responses and endpoints. APIs can assist clients in collaborating, integrating data with us. Document is prepared with a list of APIs which can be shared at any point of time to our partners, which can let the partners know what data we are looking for integration and accordingly the same can be configured for data flow. The APIs which clients can consume are CRUD, login APIs. APIS are authenticated and authorised to their own specific data
6. Bulk upload and Single Upload: Acknoledger provide a platform where user or client can upload any amount of data. If a user is looking to upload a single record, then they can use the single upload option and select the mandatory fields and can upload. On the other hand, if a user wants to upload a record in Bulk, then acknoledeger allows the user to upload it through Bulk option, in which file can be of CSV or excel format.
7. In Acknoledger an add-on feature request per second and cooling period has been provided at the time of API integration. This will provide provision to our partners to configure RPS and cooling period for record updates.
8. Auth token and refresh token — A user can create access token expiry and refresh token and its expiry so that client can sell the API. The sell auth token and expiry token will be shared. As the token expires then the client can regenerate it.
9. Users can log in through email (Web 2 login) and also through wallet (web 3 login).
Web 2 log in: — User will provide his email id, which will be validated through OTP, and then the user can create the Password and update the profile
Web 3 log in: The user can log in through the wallet
About AcknoLedger:
AcknoLedger is a Global Consortium that maps, monetize, and distributes Web 3.0 Digital Assets Seamlessly across all the Metaverses and Gaming NFTs. We envision it to be the Nervous System of Web 3.0 Digital Assets.
AcknoLedger indexes all the NFTs across all the gaming, metaverses, and NFT marketplaces so that NFT collectors can leverage the insights for informed decision-making. In addition, the market distributes the content across multiple metaverses by tracking and mapping interoperability and exploring trading opportunities for institutional and retail investors.
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