AcknoLedger Roadmap 2023 : Electrifying the Future of Web 3.0 Digital Assets

9 min readJan 29, 2023


Web 3.0 is rapidly becoming the future of the digital world, and with it comes an abundance of new opportunities for digital assets. From metaverses to gaming NFTs, digital assets are becoming more valuable and widely used than ever before. However, these digital assets can be difficult to map, monetize, and distribute across different platforms. That’s exactly where AcknoLedger comes in.

AcknoLedger is a global consortium dedicated to making managing digital assets seamless and easy. Our goal is to be the nervous system of web 3.0 digital assets, ensuring they are easily accessible and valuable for all users. To achieve this goal, we are working on an M2D model that will allow us to map, monetize, and distribute digital assets across all metaverses and gaming NFTs.

We understand that developing such a platform is complex and ambitious, so we have created a roadmap to guide us through the process. Here’s a detailed overview of how our 2023 roadmap looks like:

Technology Roadmap 2023
Marketing Roadmap — 2023
Ecosystem Roadmap 2023

Quarter 1


Q1 will be kicked off by introducing the revolutionary new platform, DODAS. It will also include the development of a user-friendly and intuitive interface for the platform. This will ensure that users can easily navigate and use all the features and functions of the platform. Enhancement of the performance and efficiency of the search engine and digital asset indexer. This will ensure that users can quickly and easily find the information and assets they need, making the platform more useful and valuable. Migration to the cutting-edge DODAS platform, leaving the traditional App.ACK behind. This will ensure that users can take advantage of the latest technologies and features and that the platform is always up-to-date and relevant.


In Q1, as part of ecosystem development, the primary objective is to achieve an ambitious goal of onboarding 150 esteemed ecosystem partners. This will solidify our digital asset ecosystem leader position and provide users with unparalleled value. This will be accomplished by working closely with potential partners to understand their specific needs and requirements and then developing tailored solutions that meet them.

Additionally, we will leverage our existing network and relationships to identify new opportunities and potential partners and actively seek out new partnerships through targeted outreach and marketing efforts. By onboarding a diverse and robust ecosystem of partners, we will be able to offer users a wide range of services and solutions, making our platform the go-to destination for digital asset management. This will help us increase user engagement and retention and drive revenue growth.


The Q1 marketing strategy is to increase DODAS platform awareness through targeted PR campaigns that reach key audiences and highlight its unique features and benefits. This will be accomplished by working closely with PR professionals to develop a comprehensive communications plan that combines traditional and digital tactics.

Gather feedback and user engagement to continuously improve the platform and enhance the user experience. This will be done by actively soliciting user feedback, tracking usage patterns and metrics, and using that information to make data-driven decisions about improving the platform.

Forge strategic collaborations to expand the reach and capabilities of the platform, providing more value to users. By partnering with other companies, organizations and experts in relevant fields, we will offer users a wider range of services and solutions, making our platform the go-to destination for digital asset management.

Quarter 2


The first step in Q2 is to expand the reach and capabilities of the revolutionary DODAS platform. This will be achieved by integrating a high volume of digital assets into the platform to increase its value and utility for users. Thereby making it easier for users to access and manage a wide range of digital assets, making the platform more useful and versatile. The next step is to onboard ecosystem partners through API integration easily. This will allow the platform to connect with many other systems and services, expanding its reach and potential. This will enable new use cases and business models, increasing the platform’s value for all its users and partners.


The Q2 strategy for ecosystem development is focused on attaining an ambitious target of onboarding 200 esteemed ecosystem partners. This will cement our position as a premier player in the digital asset ecosystem and provide unparalleled value to our users.

To achieve this goal, we will work closely with potential partners to understand their specific needs and requirements and then develop tailored solutions that meet those needs. Additionally, we will leverage our existing network and relationships to identify new opportunities and potential partners and actively seek out new partnerships through targeted outreach and marketing efforts.

In addition to onboarding new partners, we will also initiate the distribution of an open API for seamless integration with businesses. This will open up new possibilities for growth and innovation by enabling external developers to build on top of our platform and create new, valuable applications for our users.


In Q2, our marketing efforts will center on launching a comprehensive metaverse campaign to increase brand awareness and reach new audiences. This campaign will involve creating a presence in various metaverse communities, such as virtual worlds and gaming platforms.

We will also conduct cross-community campaigns to foster connections and collaborations, expanding the reach and impact of our brand. These campaigns will include interactive experiences, events, exclusive content, and merchandise to driving engagement and interest in our brand.

To track the success of these efforts, we will closely monitor metrics such as virtual world traffic, social media engagement, and brand awareness data. By leveraging the power of the metaverse and fostering connections within these communities, we aim to boost brand awareness and reach new audiences in Q2.

Quarter 3


In Q3, we focus on continuously improving and enhancing the feature list of our cutting-edge DODAS platform. We will prioritize implementing new features and capabilities that align with our business goals and improve the user experience. Additionally, we will allocate resources towards debugging and testing to ensure the platform is stable and reliable.

Another important aspect in Q3 will be developing comprehensive business onboarding guidelines. This initiative aims to streamline the process and increase efficiency for our clients.

By providing clear and detailed guidelines, we aim to make the onboarding process as smooth as possible for businesses, allowing them to quickly and easily integrate our platform into their operations. Through this strategy, we expect to increase customer satisfaction and adoption of our platform.


In Q3, our ecosystem development plan will focus on expanding our network of distinguished partners and solidifying our reputation as a leading player in the digital assets ecosystem. Our goal is to onboard 250 new partners who will bring diverse skills and expertise to our ecosystem. By working closely with these partners, we aim to deliver exceptional value to our users and support the growth and success of our ecosystem.

Another important aspect of our Q3 ecosystem development plan is to empower businesses to generate monetary benefits. We will provide them with comprehensive guidelines and resources to support their growth and success. This includes providing access to our platform and tools and training and support to help them understand and navigate the digital assets ecosystem. By providing businesses with the resources they need to succeed, we will help to create a thriving and sustainable ecosystem that benefits all parties involved.


In Q3, our marketing strategy will focus on increasing brand awareness and building a strong community through various initiatives. We will implement community awareness programs to educate and inform the public about our brand and its offerings. These programs will include informational sessions, webinars, and other educational resources to help people understand the benefits of our platform and how it can help them.

Another key aspect of our Q3 marketing strategy will be to organize business roadshows and events. These events will serve as an opportunity to showcase our platform to potential partners and collaborators and help us connect with industry leaders and influencers. We will use these events to demonstrate the capabilities of our platform and the value it can bring to businesses and organizations.

We will host events that bring together our community to foster networking and collaboration opportunities. These events will allow our users and partners to connect, share their experiences and best practices, and collaborate on new projects and initiatives. Through these community-building initiatives, we aim to create a strong and engaged community that supports and promotes our brand.

Quarter 4


In Q4, our strategy will focus on making it easy for businesses to integrate onto the revolutionary DODAS platform. We will work to simplify the onboarding process and provide clear guidelines and resources to ensure that businesses can quickly and easily set up and start using our platform. By making the integration process effortless, we aim to increase the number of businesses using our platform and drive adoption.

Another important aspect of our Q4 strategy is to develop a plan to launch the beta version of a mobile app. This app will provide users with increased accessibility and convenience, allowing them to access and use our platform from their mobile devices.

By launching a mobile app, we aim to increase engagement and usage of our platform and provide an additional point of access for our users. We plan to gather user feedback during the beta launch and improve the app accordingly before the full launch.


In Q4, our ecosystem development plan will focus on expanding our network of elite partners and positioning ourselves as a premier player in the digital assets ecosystem. Our goal is to onboard 300 new partners, bringing a diverse range of skills, expertise and network to our ecosystem. By working closely with these partners, we aim to provide unparalleled value to our users and support the growth and success of our ecosystem.

Another important aspect of our Q4 ecosystem development plan is to empower businesses to create new revenue sources. We will provide them with the tools and resources necessary for success, supporting their growth and long-term viability. This includes access to our platform and tools and training and support to help them understand and navigate the digital assets ecosystem. By providing businesses with the resources they need to succeed, we will help to create a thriving and sustainable ecosystem that benefits all parties involved. This will also help us to create a sustainable revenue stream for the company.


In Q4, our marketing strategy will focus on showcasing our platform and connecting with potential partners and collaborators through a series of in-person (IRL) and virtual (meta) events. These events will be held globally and will provide an opportunity to demonstrate the capabilities of our platform and connect with potential partners and collaborators. The events will also provide a platform to engage with existing customers and gather their feedback to improve our platform.

Another important aspect of our Q4 marketing strategy is collaborating with our ecosystem partners to integrate our platform and jointly develop promotional plans. By working closely with our partners, we aim to increase the reach and impact of our brand. The collaboration will also enable us to leverage the networks and expertise of our partners to reach new audiences and promote our platform. By collaborating with our partners, we aim to create a win-win situation for both parties, where our partners will be able to promote their own services and offerings, and we will be able to showcase our platform to a wider audience.

AcknoLedger plans to expand its operations and partnerships with fintech firms in the future, emphasising metaverses and gaming NFTs. This is a growing industry with much potential, and traditional banks also embrace this technology. This industry is expected to continue growing well into the future.




AcknoLedger Is Now DODAS- a digital wonderland for all Digital assets